The mysterious Albedo is the Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius through a recommendation from the adventurer Alice, with Sucrose as his assistant. He holds an infinite desire to learn about the world of Teyvat, carefully studying every object around him.


Being the deaconess for the Church, Barbara takes the safekeeping of religious artefacts seriously. After seeing the damaged Holy Lyre der Himmel, she flew into a panic, and refused to let anyone see it after the Stormterror incident. Her craving for recognition switched over into the mere desire to help people. Even with all her depressing thoughts, she quickly jumps back on her feet, not allowing herself to be depressed for more than 30 seconds.


Ganyu is the secretary at Yuehai Pavilion. The blood of the qilin, an illuminated beast, flows within her veins. Ganyu is usually very quiet and reserved due to her half-qilin heritage. Ganyu's duties with the Qixing often have her do considerable work compared to other members, but the load does not faze her, and she often ends up doing overtime in the process.


Lisa is an intellectual witch who can never get enough naps. As the Librarian of the Knights of Favonius, Lisa is smart in that she always knows exactly what to do with whatever troubles her. When Lisa becomes angered, the surrounding air near her becomes electrified in part due to her Electro Vision.


Qiqi has a quiet, yet polite demeanor when dealing with customers at the pharmacy. Qiqi has a relatively flat voice and is unable to convey most of her emotions to others. She also strives to improve herself so she becomes less forgetful. On particularly foul days however, she may forget to check on her notebook.


Rosaria, a sister in Mondstadt's Church of Favonius. Rosaria is a somewhat intimidating woman who has a rather unorthodox idea of piety. Despite her position in the church, Rosaria appears to be relatively lazy on the surface, disliking her fellow sisters because they continually pester her to do church duties, such as attending choir and mass, which she continually skips on a daily basis.


Venti has a somewhat recalcitrant, carefree, and playful attitude and a liking to rhyming in his speech. Venti enjoys roaming around Mondstadt playing songs to his people, most of whom are unaware of his true identity as Barbatos. He is deathly allergic to cats and will not perform unless he is certain none are nearby.


The second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, Xingqiu has had a reputation for being studious and polite ever since he was a young child. But even at a young age, mild-mannered Xingqiu had a wilder side too. He would sit for hours in the classroom reading fiction, having hollowed out used textbooks and snuck martial arts novels inside. Xingqiu's lifelong dream is to be the real-life embodiment of the chivalrous heroes from the pages of his books.